Sunday, 22 June 2008

Fund Raising

If you have any good ideas that that could help raise money for the school or are willing to help out at fund raising events please leave a comment here or contact the Fund Raising Group Chairperson (Sally Pilkington) at


Scourge (Skûrj) said...


I came across your blog. One of my friends told me about this site called, that can help you to raise funds quickly. Check it out. I hope this helps.

Andy Liggat said...


Thanks for getting in touch. I have had a quick look at and it does indeed seem like a good concept. As the site is obviously Californian based, the idea of what would presumably be predominantly American sponsors contributing to our school's projects seems strangely satisfying! I am not sure, however, how Highland Council Education Department would feel having the school signing up to be bound by the laws of California over financial matters. Nonetheless, I will make a point of doing some more investigation (contact the site) as all suggestions are most welcome.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.

Anonymous said...


I have been told that I can help to raise funds for the school buy shopping on ebay via a site organised by the Parent Council. How do I access it?

Andy Liggat said...

The simple answer to your question is yes and no. Yes you can help raise funds for the parent council and therefore the school by using our web-shop. By accessing retailers' sites via our web-shop they will pay us commission out of thier profits, so it costs you no more than normal. Unfortunately, ebay is not one of the retailers/sites that is part of the web-shop scheme. If you want to have a look at our web-shop a link is at the foot of the Parent Council web site home page. This is easily accessed from the school's website home page - the big GGS Parent Council link. If you do not have the school's website it is easily googled or use

Giles said...

Need to get Sally's e-mail address on here!

Andy Liggat said...

No sooner said than done!