Thursday, 21 February 2008

Open Forum

Please add a comment on any school related topic that you feel needs to be brought out/highlighted or otherwise discussed. I can then open a new Post on the subject so that it will be easier for folks to comment on.


Anonymous said...

I am quite appalled that my daughter has come home on the last day of this term to advise that Rapsons are not allowing them to travel free by bus anymore, from Aviemore to Grantown, to go to school. They must pay the fare. Why did Rapsons leave this message till the last day of term and why is this necessary when the children have always gone to Grantown and should not be penalised whilst other children from the same village - Aviemore have passes to travel free.
It seems we need to bother the education authority with what seems to be already agreed with other children

Please advise

Sherie Beazley

Andy Liggat said...

Sorry for taking so long to get back. There is no answer fits all solution to your particular problem. As far as I have managed to find out you need to take your case to the Education Authority and discuss your personal situation. The default is that Aviemore is not in GGS's catchment area and so free transport is not routinely provided. As I said however, personal circumstances might be taken into account by the Education Authority. If living outside the official catchment area, a placement request must be made for each child wishing to attend GGS. If this request is granted, transport will be provided. I hope that this helps.

Anonymous said...

Have just received the parents newsletter for March09 and was very disappointed that the traditional/strings group which took 1ST place with Distinction in their class at Kingussie Music Festival were not deemed worthy of a mention!!!!!Miss Ross and the pupils have worked very hard during and after school to achieve such a high seems that Traditional Music is not as valued as other was noted that the JAZZ BAND was selected for praise at the recent Eden Court Highland Futures when the traditional /strings group gave an outstanding performance!!! Hayley Muir.

Andy Liggat said...

I understand and appreciate your disappointment that the hard work and outstanding performance of the traditional/strings group was not recognised in the latest Parent's Newsletter. You are absolutely right that their 1st place with Distinction is indeed worthy of praise and consequently, I am sure that the oversight was just that, an unintentional oversight. That said, as Chairman of the Parent Council Communications Group, I will pass on your concerns to the Head Teacher.

Andy Liggat said...

Further to my last... Having emailed the Head Teacher, the following points are of note:

* December Newsletter - Extract - 'Congratulations are due to our Jazz Funk Band and the Funky Fiddlers for their excellent performances at the 'Highland Futures' event at Eden Court on Monday 17 November. The Jazz Funk Band's rendition of 'Thriller' was certainly one of the highlights of an evening that was a major showcase of musical talent for Highland Schools. Thanks to Kirsten Shearon and Olivia Ross for developing the musical talents of our pupils for this event'

* Both the Jazz Band and the Funky Fiddlers (the traditional strings band) were personally congratulated for their excellent performances.

* The special mention of the Jazz Funk Bands rendition of Thriller was because of the comments made by members of the audience on the night and by letter after the event. This included the Director and Depute director of ECS and members of CLL arts development team who congratulated both our bands and all commented that they thought that the Jazz Funks band's rendition of Thriller had stood out as being one of the best performances of the whole evening. Given the quality of the event that was major praise indeed.

* The 1ST place with Distinction won by the traditional/strings group at Kingussie Music Festival was indeed an excellent performance and no less worthy of praise.

* Unfortunately, time was pressing to get the last Parent's Newsletter out before the Easter break.

* This rushed deadline on top of an over-stressed IT system may have led to some articles/news items not making the cut off. It is possible that there could well be a notification for the newsletter about the success of the traditional/string group, and possibly other student successes sitting in the ether somewhere.

Hopefully, this clarifies the situation somewhat. There is no vendetta against Traditional Music only an over-taxed and fallible administrative system!

Anonymous said...

I am shocked to hear from my son that there is still no soap in the dispensers in the boys toilet,apparently the the disensers have never been filled since the toilets were refurbished and only one dirty green bar of soap is provided!I know this has been raised before and the girls ask regularly to have soap filled up but surely in light of the swine flu out break school should be stepping up basic hygiene????

Andy Liggat said...

OK, a fair call. I will pass your comment on to the school and see if we can't get the situation resolved.

Andy Liggat said...

Further to my last... The school has responded and the head janitor is on the case. Standby for extra clean kids!

Anonymous said...

I have an overwhelming frustration that there is no formal arrangement for lost property at the school. My youngster is particularly careless and I often have to trawl the school seeking out and going through out piles of abandoned sweatshirts and other kit looking for his. Surely many others must be in the same boat. School uniform is so expensive. Naming items does not make a blind bit of difference as it appears to go astray regardless.

Andy Liggat said...

Another fair call and thanks for using the GGS Parent's Blog. I will look into what the school's arrangements are, if any, and see if they can't get something more satisfactory put in place. Watch this space for an update in due course.

Andy Liggat said...

As promised, an update on the 'Lost Property' front. It would seem that there has indeed been a bit of a hick-up on the issue of lost property. The school is planning to go back to the old system of routinely (probably once a term) conducting a sweep of the school to collect in all and any items left abandoned or forgotten. The resulting treasure hoard will then be held centrally, advertised and will be made available for parents/pupils to stake their claims. Hope this helps.